Each line shows the following items:
![]() |
Data has been sorted in ascending order for musicians, tracks, show number.
You should take notice that eventually the wanted name can not be seen
on his estimated place. Example:
There was a little accident during conversion and transfer of data between several softwares: the dates are partially in german or in english notation: 22-03-98 or 03/22/98. |
Name | track | comment | show | date | |
- divers - | analogy vol.1 1...5 | long | 675 | 04/12/05 | |
- Interview - | David Wright | 670 | 30/10/05 | ||
- Interview - | Pyramid Peak | 673 | 20/11/05 | ||
- Interview - | Robert Schroeder | 675 | 04/12/05 | ||
Achillea | Odin's hill | 640 | 3/4/05 | ||
Achillea | staraja ladooga + othila | 643 | 24/04/05 | ||
Achillea | the nine worlds 1...8 | long | 647 | 22/05/05 | |
R. | Adrian | iridescence | 630 | 23/1/05 | |
R. | Adrian | songs of the north | 633 | 13/2/05 | |
R. | Adrian & Ron Boots | night sky (part 2) | 631 | 29/1/05 | |
R. | Adrian & Ron Boots | night sky (part 2) | 637 | 13/3/05 | |
Kees | Aerts | grey keys | 674 | 27/11/05 | |
Agitation Free | 177 spectacular sunrises | 630 | 23/1/05 | ||
Airsculpture | dubbel | 661 | 28/08/05 | ||
Airsculpture | krell metal | 677 | 18/12/05 | ||
Airwave | Renaissance | 634 | 20/2/05 | ||
Airwave | visions of a world beyond | 628 | 9/1/05 | ||
Akikaze | fin de siècle II. - awakening | 654 | 10/07/05 | ||
Akikaze | world at war | 658 | 07/08/05 | ||
A. | Akwara | synthetic horizon 1...4 | long | 666 | 02/10/05 |
A. | Akwara | synthtic horizon part VIII. | 669 | 23/10/05 | |
A. | Akwara & B. Lutz | circle | 646 | 15/05/05 | |
Alpha Wave Movement | gaia's heartbeat | 651 | 19/06/05 | ||
Alpha Wave Movement | sanctuary | 649 | 05/06/05 | ||
Alquimia & Roedelius | white dream | 659 | 14/08/05 | ||
Appogee | coral | 632 | 6/2/05 | ||
Arc | arcturus part 2 | long | 645 | 08/05/05 | |
Arc | helicon | 664 | 18/09/05 | ||
E. | Artemiev | harmony of the world | 629 | 16/1/05 | |
Ash Ra Tempel | friendship | long | 636 | 6/3/05 | |
Ashra | ain't no time for tears | 644 | 01/05/05 | ||
Ashra | bois de la lune | 650 | 12/06/05 | ||
Can | Atilla | love sequence | 659 | 14/08/05 | |
Can | Atilla | torchlight | 657 | 31/07/05 | |
Axess | a dream is always a dream | 650 | 12/06/05 | ||
Axess | mirror of illusions | 668 | 16/10/05 | ||
Axess | the alien | 654 | 10/07/05 | ||
Axess | the sermon | 638 | 20/3/05 | ||
St. | Bacchus | point of safety | 635 | 27/2/05 | |
Amin | Bathia | hostility | 636 | 6/3/05 | |
P. | Baumann | bicentennial presentation | 663 | 11/09/05 | |
Bay | desert | 643 | 24/04/05 | ||
Bionight | daybreak | 664 | 18/09/05 | ||
Tim | Blake | Blake's new Jerusalem | 652 | 26/06/05 | |
Tim | Blake | lighthouse | 659 | 14/08/05 | |
Serge | Blenner | euroville | 678 | 25/12/05 | |
Blue Chip Orchestra | ashes cold and white | 631 | 29/1/05 | ||
Blue Chip Orchestra | skan - the sky | 632 | 6/2/05 | ||
Ian | Boddy & B. Wöstheinrich | accretion | 637 | 13/3/05 | |
Ian | Boddy & B. Wöstheinrich | diaphragm | 643 | 24/04/05 | |
Ron | Boots | amor facit | 656 | 24/07/05 | |
Ron | Boots | centre of the sphere | 648 | 29/05/05 | |
Ron | Boots | KGN | 643 | 24/04/05 | |
Ron | Boots | the call | 662 | 04/09/05 | |
Brainwork | moving clouds | 627 | 2/1/05 | ||
Thom | Brennan | silver part I. (exc.) | 676 | 11/12/05 | |
Callisto | Naiad part 2 | 627 | 2/1/05 | ||
V. | Cerullo | above the clouds | 638 | 20/3/05 | |
V. | Cerullo | Jonathan's theme | 645 | 08/05/05 | |
V. | Cerullo | poetry and power | 647 | 22/05/05 | |
Max | Corbacho | abandoned wind | 648 | 29/05/05 | |
Max | Corbacho | along the moonlit rift | 643 | 24/04/05 | |
Cosmic Hoffmann | carina cygnus | 670 | 30/10/05 | ||
Cosmic Hoffmann | lightstar rising | 634 | 20/2/05 | ||
Cosmic Hoffmann | the gates of Bihar | 668 | 16/10/05 | ||
Cosmic Hoffmann | timeshift | 675 | 04/12/05 | ||
Create | dark skies | 650 | 12/06/05 | ||
Create | kaleid | 667 | 09/10/05 | ||
Create | medusa | 654 | 10/07/05 | ||
Create | re-entry | 676 | 11/12/05 | ||
H. | Czukay | blessed easter | 639 | 27/3/05 | |
Micky | D. | in times of the unicorn | 653 | 03/07/05 | |
Dayflight | city night | 642 | 17/04/05 | ||
Dean | de Benedictis | a sence of home... | 660 | 21/08/05 | |
Demo Art | on the top | 654 | 10/07/05 | ||
Descon-Mission | memories | 641 | 10/4/05 | ||
Serge | Devadder | benthic predators | 656 | 24/07/05 | |
DIN-A-Testbild | satisfactory | 676 | 11/12/05 | ||
Dreamfish | hymn | long | 654 | 10/07/05 | |
Mark | Dwane | song of the dolphin | 671 | 06/11/05 | |
Mark | Dwane | the firestone | 655 | 17/07/05 | |
J. | Dyson | fur and feathers | 652 | 26/06/05 | |
J. | Dyson | last flight home | 649 | 05/06/05 | |
Paul | Ellis | glistening | 678 | 25/12/05 | |
P. | Ellis | the sacred ordinary | 629 | 16/1/05 | |
Paul | Ellis & C. Padilla | everybody's sky | 656 | 24/07/05 | |
Embrase | blue ambiance | 674 | 27/11/05 | ||
Embrase | e-motional sequencing | 675 | 04/12/05 | ||
Embrase | soundtracking | 677 | 18/12/05 | ||
Embrase | time is killing | 649 | 05/06/05 | ||
G. | Emmens | Ceres | 656 | 24/07/05 | |
G. | Emmens | chiron | 670 | 30/10/05 | |
Gert | Emmens | nostalgia | 666 | 02/10/05 | |
Gert | Emmens | rendezvous with 2004 MN4 | 671 | 06/11/05 | |
S. | Erbe | electricity 4 | 672 | 13/11/05 | |
Stefan | Erbe | one way back | 669 | 23/10/05 | |
S. | Erbe | Radio Frequenz | 676 | 11/12/05 | |
S. | Erbe | spaceworks 2...9 | long | 674 | 27/11/05 |
F. D. Project | harmony in space | 654 | 10/07/05 | ||
Th. | Fanger | jungle bar | 668 | 16/10/05 | |
Th. | Fanger | velvet beach | 669 | 23/10/05 | |
Fanger & Kersten | blue crossroad | 649 | 05/06/05 | ||
Fanger & Schönwälder | Seilbahn zu den Sternen | 676 | 11/12/05 | ||
Chr. | Franke | song of the creek | 655 | 17/07/05 | |
Chr. | Franke | woodland watercolors | 656 | 24/07/05 | |
Free System Projekt | distance | 661 | 28/08/05 | ||
E. | Froese | dalerotica | 665 | 25/09/05 | |
E. | Froese | daliesquador | 644 | 01/05/05 | |
E. | Froese | dalozapata | 656 | 24/07/05 | |
E. | Froese | daluminacion | 662 | 04/09/05 | |
E. | Froese | drunken Mozart in the desert | 655 | 17/07/05 | |
E. | Froese | Golgatha and the circle closes (new) | 641 | 10/4/05 | |
E. | Froese | Icarus | 630 | 23/1/05 | |
Gandalf | along the milky way | 632 | 6/2/05 | ||
Gandalf | behind the mask | 671 | 06/11/05 | ||
Gandalf | pase 4: gate to infinity | 644 | 01/05/05 | ||
Gandalf | phase two: world within | 641 | 10/4/05 | ||
Gast & Änder | (session Bongert 1 exc.) | 657 | 31/07/05 | ||
Gast & Änder | (session Bongert 3 exc.) | 658 | 07/08/05 | ||
Ginkgo Garden | Ginkgo Biloba | 631 | 29/1/05 | ||
R. | Gleisberg | Damiana | 636 | 6/3/05 | |
R. | Gleisberg | initiation ceremony | 658 | 07/08/05 | |
Marc | Glenroy | promises | 638 | 20/3/05 | |
Glimmer Room | last deep breath | 671 | 06/11/05 | ||
M. | Grassow | pulse of the desert | 628 | 9/1/05 | |
H. | Grosskopf | south Georgia | 629 | 16/1/05 | |
Jan | Hammer | payback | 664 | 18/09/05 | |
Jan | Hammer | skipchaser | 660 | 21/08/05 | |
R. | Heimann | homeward bound | 629 | 16/1/05 | |
Remco | Helbers | a kinder blue IV. | 636 | 6/3/05 | |
R. | Helbers | urban nightscape II. | 639 | 27/3/05 | |
Hemisphere | about suggestion | 635 | 27/2/05 | ||
Hemisphere | dark passion | 646 | 15/05/05 | ||
Hemisphere | flow motion part 2 | 636 | 6/3/05 | ||
Hemisphere | invaders fromt the true world | 645 | 08/05/05 | ||
Hemisphere | oscillation | 639 | 27/3/05 | ||
Hemisphere | pieces | 634 | 20/2/05 | ||
Vic | Hennegan | desert god 1...4 | long | 667 | 09/10/05 |
Vic | Hennegan | i walk alone | 665 | 25/09/05 | |
Klaus | Hoffmann-Hoock | howling wolves | 637 | 13/3/05 | |
Bob | Holroyd | in an angel's footstep | 676 | 11/12/05 | |
S. | Hug | bioelectrical fields | 633 | 13/2/05 | |
Hybrid Machine | being boiled | 663 | 11/09/05 | ||
Intelligentsia | end of civilization? | 638 | 20/3/05 | ||
Intelligentsia | new civilizations | 639 | 27/3/05 | ||
Interface | athmosphere (radio cut) | 655 | 17/07/05 | ||
Interface | voices calling | 662 | 04/09/05 | ||
J.M. | Jarre | equinoxe 3 | 677 | 18/12/05 | |
J.M. | Jarre | equinoxe 7 | 672 | 13/11/05 | |
J.M. | Jarre | oxygene part 1 | 659 | 14/08/05 | |
J.M. | Jarre | second rendez-vous part 1 | 663 | 11/09/05 | |
M. | Jenkins | endless space | 644 | 01/05/05 | |
Mark | Jenkins | sequencer loops II. 3...9 | long | 661 | 28/08/05 |
Joh & Marvin | bedrock | 644 | 01/05/05 | ||
Jorge | (track #8) | 642 | 17/04/05 | ||
Kagermann, Keller, Schönwälder | the liquid session 1...2 | long | 642 | 17/04/05 | |
Karmacosmic | beautiiful Maya | 627 | 2/1/05 | ||
Kayanis | lost tribe | 629 | 16/1/05 | ||
D. | Keller | electronic step 5 | long | 669 | 23/10/05 |
D. | Keller | Face 1 | long | 628 | 9/1/05 |
D. | Keller | piano step 1 | 668 | 16/10/05 | |
D. | Keller | piano step 3 | 675 | 04/12/05 | |
D. | Keller | piano step 4 | 674 | 27/11/05 | |
D. | Keller | piano step 5 | 672 | 13/11/05 | |
D. | Keller | tear 3 | 634 | 20/2/05 | |
D. | Keller | tear 5 | 636 | 6/3/05 | |
Keller & Schönwälder | beam me up | 661 | 28/08/05 | ||
Keller & Schönwälder | ein mystisches Ende | 635 | 27/2/05 | ||
Keller & Schönwälder | Noir - mov. one | long | 631 | 29/1/05 | |
Keller & Schönwälder | under the blue moon part 1 | 638 | 20/3/05 | ||
B. | Kistenmacher | joie de vivre | 653 | 03/07/05 | |
Bernd | Kistenmacher | joie de vivre | 671 | 06/11/05 | |
Klangwelt | long distance (exc.) | 658 | 07/08/05 | ||
Gast | Klares | (Februar 2005) | 634 | 20/2/05 | |
Gast | Klares | (November 2005) | 673 | 20/11/05 | |
Gast | Klares | Caterpillar's breakfast | 627 | 2/1/05 | |
Gast | Klares | ecological breakdown | 628 | 9/1/05 | |
Gast | Klares | no time to waste | 629 | 16/1/05 | |
Rainer | Klein | sundance | 632 | 6/2/05 | |
P. | Kosmos | airgasm | 664 | 18/09/05 | |
P. | Kosmos | lucid dreams | long | 673 | 20/11/05 |
P. | Kosmos | photon - the theme | 646 | 15/05/05 | |
P. | Kosmos | random illusion | 653 | 03/07/05 | |
Kubusschnitt | alpha three | long | 627 | 2/1/05 | |
B. | L'Hoir | kaze ni fukare | 663 | 11/09/05 | |
B. | L'Hoir | secret garden | 662 | 04/09/05 | |
John | Lakveet | checkmate to B. Russell | 644 | 01/05/05 | |
J. | Lakveet | elipse 0 | 672 | 13/11/05 | |
J. | Lakveet | in-kant-able | 645 | 08/05/05 | |
J. | Lakveet | Leibnitz and contingency | 647 | 22/05/05 | |
John | Lakveet | nihil-ibuster | long | 635 | 27/2/05 |
Lambert | dolphin's cry | 665 | 25/09/05 | ||
Lambert | Impetus | 628 | 9/1/05 | ||
Lambert | Inversion | 634 | 20/2/05 | ||
Lambert & Palantir | Finis Terrae 1 + 2 | long | 637 | 13/3/05 | |
Bill | Laswell & Pete Namlook | the fate of energy | 659 | 14/08/05 | |
Pol | Leruth | millenium | 678 | 25/12/05 | |
Pol | Leruth | widesphare | 677 | 18/12/05 | |
R. | Lorenz | magic of Moorea | 637 | 13/3/05 | |
Jon | Mark | chloe's day | 651 | 19/06/05 | |
Ken | Martin | blackholes | 668 | 16/10/05 | |
Ken | Martin | chromatic movements | 666 | 02/10/05 | |
Ken | Martin | crystal voyage | long | 640 | 3/4/05 |
Ken | Martin | neurophasing | 664 | 18/09/05 | |
Ken | Martin | on the horizon of Kaldas | 663 | 11/09/05 | |
Ken | Martin | space cruise | 632 | 6/2/05 | |
Ken | Martin | through the vortex of liquid lights | long | 676 | 11/12/05 |
Ken | Martin | tranquility | 670 | 30/10/05 | |
Ken | Martin | transparent shadows | long | 646 | 15/05/05 |
Maxxess | red earth | 652 | 26/06/05 | ||
P. | Mergener | aquasonic spirit | 628 | 9/1/05 | |
P. | Mergener | city lounge | 657 | 31/07/05 | |
P. | Mergener | spectaculum | 640 | 3/4/05 | |
P. | Mergener | sundial | 658 | 07/08/05 | |
P. | Mergener | the last days of creation | 663 | 11/09/05 | |
P. | Mergener | touch the guitar | 630 | 23/1/05 | |
P. | Mergener | wet places | 648 | 29/05/05 | |
P. | Mergener & friends | nox mystica | 643 | 24/04/05 | |
A. | Mergenthaler | domine | 673 | 20/11/05 | |
Guido | Meyer | lightyears | 673 | 20/11/05 | |
Mind over Matter | drifting on Brahmaputra | 665 | 25/09/05 | ||
Mind Projects | tension | 664 | 18/09/05 | ||
Mind-over-Matter | children of the midnight | long | 639 | 27/3/05 | |
Modulator ESP | dark star voyage | long | 657 | 31/07/05 | |
Modulus | shining path | 640 | 3/4/05 | ||
N-Tribe | space (exc.) | 636 | 6/3/05 | ||
Pete | Namlook & W. Spyra | virtual vices | 677 | 18/12/05 | |
Nattefrost | Vejentillas gaard | 632 | 6/2/05 | ||
Nautilus | back on earth | 627 | 2/1/05 | ||
Nautilus | on the beach | 661 | 28/08/05 | ||
Navigator | island of silence | 660 | 21/08/05 | ||
Nebula Drone | blue and opalescent dialogue | 647 | 22/05/05 | ||
Nebula Drone | lazy polycrystalline accordances | 666 | 02/10/05 | ||
Nebula Drone | moving back (encore) | 655 | 17/07/05 | ||
Gary | Numan | down in the park | 654 | 10/07/05 | |
P. | O'Hearn | 35th parallel | 627 | 2/1/05 | |
Om | Eucharist | 647 | 22/05/05 | ||
Om | sunny raga | 650 | 12/06/05 | ||
Omega Syndicate | dark skies | long | 656 | 24/07/05 | |
Otarion | innovation | 665 | 25/09/05 | ||
Otarion | second step | 657 | 31/07/05 | ||
Ozone Player | what ever happened to | 632 | 6/2/05 | ||
Dino | Pacifici | distant hills | 635 | 27/2/05 | |
Parallel Worlds | detailed matter | 651 | 19/06/05 | ||
Parallel Worlds | night wind | 672 | 13/11/05 | ||
D. | Parsons | cloud gompa | 631 | 29/1/05 | |
Pegasus | holographic secret | 643 | 24/04/05 | ||
Pegasus | ligths of the universe | 641 | 10/4/05 | ||
Phonopticum | christmas tree | 635 | 27/2/05 | ||
Phonopticum | yes i do | 634 | 20/2/05 | ||
Br. | Pollard | tropic | 674 | 27/11/05 | |
Popol Vuh | Aguirre | 652 | 26/06/05 | ||
Ashok | Prema | electric eyes of man | 648 | 29/05/05 | |
Project Andrew Rotten | breath | 671 | 06/11/05 | ||
Project Andrew Rotten | depression | 673 | 20/11/05 | ||
Project Andrew Rotten | en passant | 669 | 23/10/05 | ||
Project Andrew Rotten | sharp sequencer | 670 | 30/10/05 | ||
Projekt Gamma | memories | 631 | 29/1/05 | ||
Pyramid Peak | caveland 1...4 | long | 641 | 10/4/05 | |
Pyramid Peak | changes | 663 | 11/09/05 | ||
Pyramid Peak | drifting | 673 | 20/11/05 | ||
Pyramid Peak | flow | 667 | 09/10/05 | ||
Pyramid Peak | the mind enters itself | 669 | 23/10/05 | ||
F. | Quasar | sacred meadow | 674 | 27/11/05 | |
Radio Massacre International | diabolica | long | 660 | 21/08/05 | |
Rainbow Serpent | edge of reality | 640 | 3/4/05 | ||
Rainbow Serpent | planet audio | 662 | 04/09/05 | ||
Rainbow Serpent | see - not have | 641 | 10/4/05 | ||
Rainbow Serpent | the 8th nerve 1...4 | long | 648 | 29/05/05 | |
Redshift | Ether | long | 634 | 20/2/05 | |
Redshift | oblivion 3...5 | long | 672 | 13/11/05 | |
Redshift | siren 1...6 | long | 649 | 05/06/05 | |
Remy | following differences | 628 | 9/1/05 | ||
R. | Rich | Somnium (exc.) | 635 | 27/2/05 | |
R. | Rich & Alio Die | Fissures 1...4 | long | 630 | 23/1/05 |
S. | Roach | spirit moves | long | 663 | 11/09/05 |
S. | Roach & Vidna Obmana | spirit dome 2...3 | long | 644 | 01/05/05 |
Rogue Element | thoughts for dead leaf motion | long | 632 | 6/2/05 | |
M. | Rother | silver sands | 630 | 23/1/05 | |
R. | Sakamoto | epilogue | 637 | 13/3/05 | |
J. | Schmoelling | friends | 649 | 05/06/05 | |
J. | Schmoelling | ice walk | 678 | 25/12/05 | |
J. | Schmoelling | native eye, native ear | 664 | 18/09/05 | |
B. | Scholl | whales in dreamtime | 655 | 17/07/05 | |
M. | Schönwälder | let the rhythm comin' on you | 647 | 22/05/05 | |
M. | Schönwälder | with love from us to you | 660 | 21/08/05 | |
Schönwälder, Broekhuis & friends | analoog en digitaal | 650 | 12/06/05 | ||
R. | Schroeder | doo doo | 668 | 16/10/05 | |
R. | Schroeder | heaven | 666 | 02/10/05 | |
R. | Schroeder | impressions | 672 | 13/11/05 | |
R. | Schroeder | login | 665 | 25/09/05 | |
R. | Schroeder | mosaique | 675 | 04/12/05 | |
R. | Schroeder | paradise 1...5 | long | 638 | 20/3/05 |
R. | Schroeder | so check me | 675 | 04/12/05 | |
R. | Schroeder | space-track | 671 | 06/11/05 | |
Klaus | Schulze | andromeda strain | long | 678 | 25/12/05 |
K. | Schulze | cellistica | long | 670 | 30/10/05 |
K. | Schulze | chinese cars | 642 | 17/04/05 | |
K. | Schulze | nowhere - now here | long | 659 | 14/08/05 |
K. | Schulze | Schwanensee I. | long | 665 | 25/09/05 |
K. | Schulze | the future | long | 662 | 04/09/05 |
K. | Schulze | the looper isn't a hooker | 639 | 27/3/05 | |
K. | Schulze & R. Bloss | truckin' | 666 | 02/10/05 | |
David | Scott | fearless | 653 | 03/07/05 | |
John | Serrie | and the stars go with you | 651 | 19/06/05 | |
Shaped Signs | clouds | 677 | 18/12/05 | ||
Shrieve & K. Schulze | communique: approaching spiral | 651 | 19/06/05 | ||
Singh Boncard | sunrise | 672 | 13/11/05 | ||
Singh Boncard | titan | 678 | 25/12/05 | ||
Singh Boncard | transit | 674 | 27/11/05 | ||
K. | Smith | preema | 668 | 16/10/05 | |
Software | air-stream & heaven | 637 | 13/3/05 | ||
Software | blue planet | 647 | 22/05/05 | ||
Software | cosmic-excursion | 645 | 08/05/05 | ||
Software | hollow & expiation | 639 | 27/3/05 | ||
Software | pressure & time | 632 | 6/2/05 | ||
Something Completely Different | exponential disaster | 660 | 21/08/05 | ||
F. | Specht | moving | 662 | 04/09/05 | |
Frank | Specht | traumhaft klingt die Nacht | 658 | 07/08/05 | |
Spyra | classic power supply | 628 | 9/1/05 | ||
W. | Spyra | live in Berlin 1...4 | long | 629 | 16/1/05 |
Spyra | mentalized (preloaded) | long | 643 | 24/04/05 | |
Spyra | mentalized (preloaded) | long | 677 | 18/12/05 | |
Spyra | seasons | long | 664 | 18/09/05 | |
Spyra & Chris Lang | 68:24 | long | 633 | 13/2/05 | |
Startle B | hold you head high | 640 | 3/4/05 | ||
M. | Stearns | in the beginning | 665 | 25/09/05 | |
M. | Stearns | planetary unfolding 1...4 | long | 650 | 12/06/05 |
M. | Stearns | warao | 637 | 13/3/05 | |
Saul | Stokes | Sopra | 651 | 19/06/05 | |
Syn | delos | 676 | 11/12/05 | ||
Syn | soundwave traveller | long | 653 | 03/07/05 | |
Syn | valles marineris | 631 | 29/1/05 | ||
Synco | through rhythmic spheres | 667 | 09/10/05 | ||
Syndromeda | conjunction area | 645 | 08/05/05 | ||
Syndromeda | phaedron | 642 | 17/04/05 | ||
Syndromeda | the last influence | 652 | 26/06/05 | ||
Syndromeda | wavegames | 655 | 17/07/05 | ||
Tangerine Dream | cloudburst flight | 667 | 09/10/05 | ||
Tangerine Dream | hyperborea | 669 | 23/10/05 | ||
Tangerine Dream | livemiles part 2 | long | 651 | 19/06/05 | |
Tangerine Dream | network 23 | 678 | 25/12/05 | ||
Tangerine Dream | sunrise in the third system | 666 | 02/10/05 | ||
Tales | ankalerye's terklands | 678 | 25/12/05 | ||
The Circular Ruins | empathy test | 659 | 14/08/05 | ||
The Civilized Electron | encounter | 633 | 13/2/05 | ||
Tranzit | after age | 656 | 24/07/05 | ||
Tranzit | E-drive | 632 | 6/2/05 | ||
Tranzit | L.F.O. | 646 | 15/05/05 | ||
Tranzit | moravian moondance | 635 | 27/2/05 | ||
Nik | Tyndall & B. Scholl | peaceful power | 630 | 23/1/05 | |
Ulaim As Zama Orchestra | birds in the dunes | 627 | 2/1/05 | ||
René | van de Wouden | e-lively | 666 | 02/10/05 | |
Max | van Richter | psychokinetic hymn | 660 | 21/08/05 | |
Max | van Richter | ressurection | 653 | 03/07/05 | |
Max | van Richter | the city of waking hallucinations | 663 | 11/09/05 | |
van Zyl & Gulch | sector 001 | long | 671 | 06/11/05 | |
van Zyl / Gulch / Rath | shadow chaser | 633 | 13/2/05 | ||
Vangelis | Bacchanale | 651 | 19/06/05 | ||
Vangelis | blade runner (end title) | 644 | 01/05/05 | ||
Vangelis | conquest of paradise | 652 | 26/06/05 | ||
Vangelis | El Greco mov. VI. | 638 | 20/3/05 | ||
Vangelis | ignacio | long | 655 | 17/07/05 | |
Vangelis | main titles | 647 | 22/05/05 | ||
Vangelis | spiral | 653 | 03/07/05 | ||
Vietgrove | saragossa II. | 657 | 31/07/05 | ||
S. | Vodjani | karmapa jenno | 645 | 08/05/05 | |
Volt | escape velocity | 657 | 31/07/05 | ||
Volt | first contact | 667 | 09/10/05 | ||
R. | Wahnfried | miditation | long | 652 | 26/06/05 |
Wave World | a day at the flaraan races | 642 | 17/04/05 | ||
Wave World | a day at the flaraan races | 646 | 15/05/05 | ||
Wave World | the plains of Nardall | 640 | 3/4/05 | ||
Wave World | the plains of Nardall | 641 | 10/4/05 | ||
Waveshape | Abendstern | 669 | 23/10/05 | ||
Waveshape | Zyklus 1...9 | long | 658 | 07/08/05 | |
Wavestar | Cleopatra's barge | 659 | 14/08/05 | ||
Wavestar | voyager | 654 | 10/07/05 | ||
Joe | Weineck | blue lagoon | 651 | 19/06/05 | |
Terje | Winter | essinc | 629 | 16/1/05 | |
R. | Wittek | dione | 636 | 6/3/05 | |
R. | Wittek | extravagance | 650 | 12/06/05 | |
R. | Wittek | Mimas | 627 | 2/1/05 | |
R. | Wittek | our world | 645 | 08/05/05 | |
R. | Wittek | Reha | 639 | 27/3/05 | |
D. | Wright | beyond paradise | 653 | 03/07/05 | |
D. | Wright | deeper | 670 | 30/10/05 | |
D. | Wright | flame sky | 648 | 29/05/05 | |
D. | Wright | sea of dreams 1...5 | long | 668 | 16/10/05 |
D. | Wright | the sound of light | 670 | 30/10/05 | |
D. | Wright | walking with ghosts (Acheron) | 649 | 05/06/05 |
The above Playlist shows all items of 2005. This should be enough to evaluate the kind of tracks that are usually played in "Silent Running".
last update: January 11th 2006